Friday, March 2, 2012

Editing with My Eyes Open

Funny that I should have to think about breathing, or remind myself to be in the moment—where else would I be? Or so I used to believe. I know better now. Meditation has really opened my eyes, my third one to be precise, to how often I can let flights of fancy take me away from where I am and what I'm doing. Some days, I can earn quite a few frequent flier miles on this daydreaming and distraction!

When I’m fully available in this present moment, I’m joyful, more effective in my work, more balanced in my life, and much less prone to stress. As a freelance editor with deadlines to meet and persnickety rules of grammar and usage to enforce, I need to be on the job, not in my head!

I’ve had a daily meditation practice for four or five years now. It’s brought me a sense of peace and well-being, as well as greater confidence and joy in my work. I’m lucky enough to have found work that makes my heart sing, but I had been keeping myself too busy to hear the music. I also had the misguided notion that working long and hard meant success.

Today, if I feel I’m really laboring at something, I know it’s time to take a break and breathe in deeply. My teacher Steven Sadleir says that life, both work and play, should be “easy, effortless, and enjoyable.” If I’m trying too hard, I need to let go and take a few moments to see where my mind has been taking me. My mind, you see, can be a little rascal (and, sometimes, a treacherous fiend)!

Is It Easy, Effortless, and Enjoyable?

You may wonder if meditation really makes that big a difference in my work. Yes, it does! When I’m fully present, my level of focus is high and I’m truly engaged in the service I’m providing. And you know what? Time flies! Tasks take less time to do, so I’m available to do more. I’d imagine I’m more fun to be around, too!

My goal in writing this blog is to share my passion for the written word, my escapades as a freelance editor, and the benefits of my meditation practice. I’ll share my experiences in freelance editing, from the kinds of projects I tackle and the issues I encounter, to the fun of word gymnastics. I hope to engage you in conversations about the industry and those pesky grammar and usage issues that intrigue, baffle, and amuse us editorial types. I will share these ideas from the context of mindfulness, encouraging you—and reminding myself!—to take a few moments to breathe deeply and feel the joy before delving back into work.

I’ll leave you with some words from Rumi:

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull
of what you really love.” 

I’ve been pulled toward editing and toward you all on this journey. Thank you, and enjoy your work until we visit again!

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